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What some of our veterans have to say!

DFW Canines for Veterans, Service dogs for Veterans, PTSD Service dogs, TBI service dogs, free service dogs for veterans, combat veterans, service dogs for combat veterans, service dogs in texas, service dog programs in texas, free service dogs in texas, patriot paws, wounded warriors, patriot paws service dogs, service dogs in dallas fort worth, USMC, Army, Navy, Air Force, Customs, ICE, Border Patrol, Vietnam veterans, VFW, VFW Texas,

My name is Rodney "Smoke" Fisher and my battle buddy is "Lex" she has given me a new lease on life.....Thanks to Carrie and Melissa Caposello of ( DFW for Canines) their training is of the highest quality next to non that can be offered. I get to be with a group of men and women who knows the meaning of no one left behind. The healing process that this group offers words cannot express the gratitude i have for these ladies.......Thank you from the bottom of my heart

......Semper Fi

DFW Canines for Veterans, Service dogs for Veterans, PTSD Service dogs, TBI service dogs, free service dogs for veterans, combat veterans, service dogs for combat veterans, service dogs in texas, service dog programs in texas, free service dogs in texas, patriot paws, wounded warriors, patriot paws service dogs, service dogs in dallas fort worth, USMC, Army, Navy, Air Force, Customs, ICE, Border Patrol, Vietnam veterans, VFW, VFW Texas,

My name is Josh "Face", and my service dog is Loki. Loki knows before I do when I am not reacting well to a situation, and can remind me to calm down. He reminds me that he is not worried, so I probably should not be worried either. He has been a great help to me on my path to living life instead of just being alive. The people in this program have earned my trust and respect, and they operate at the highest level of effectiveness while maintaining a welcoming environment. Thank you.

Service dogs for veterans, service dogs, PTSD service dogs, combat veterans, VA, Veteran affairs,  free service dogs, service dogs, veteran service dogs, PTSD service dogs, Service dogs for veterans, shelter dogs, combat veterans, disabled veterans, veterans with PTSD, service dogs for TBI traumatic brain injury, shelter dogs, petfinder, petco, hollywood feed, service dogs, veteran service dogs, PTSD service dogs, Service dogs for veterans, shelter dogs, combat veterans, disabled veterans, veterans with PTSD, service dogs for TBI traumatic brain injury, shelter dogs, petfinder, petco, hollywood feed, service dogs, veteran service dogs, PTSD service dogs, Service dogs for veterans, shelter dogs, combat veterans, disabled veterans, veterans with PTSD, service dogs for TBI traumatic brain injury, shelter dogs, petfinder, petco, hollywood feed, 

DFW Canines for Veterans, Service dogs for Veterans, PTSD Service dogs, TBI service dogs, free service dogs for veterans, combat veterans, service dogs for combat veterans, service dogs in texas, service dog programs in texas, free service dogs in texas, patriot paws, wounded warriors, patriot paws service dogs, service dogs in dallas fort worth, USMC, Army, Navy, Air Force, Customs, ICE, Border Patrol, Vietnam veterans, VFW, VFW Texas,

 Hi, my name is Blake Adolph and Mojo is my battle buddy. Not only had this organization given me the sense of being welcomed in the civilian world. It they have given me every tool along the way to dig myself out of the rut I was in and start helping others do the same. Carrie and Melissa found Mojo for me and not only did they find him Carrie rode along with the 2 hour journey just to pick him up. This organization is family that will always be by your side and never let you fall. I can not say thank you enough to DFW Canines for Veterans for taking me in and making me feel like nothing is impossible.

My name is Travis Cook and my service dog in training in named Casey, a.k.a. "Tigger". I used to have almost blinding anxiety attacks from PTSD, but luckily I found an amazing non-profit organization called DFW Canines for Veterans. Casey is still a pup, but has helped me in ways I have never thought possible. I used to be on a handful of medications and even though Casey is still in training, I have been off medications for a few months because of her and the training that I receive from Melissa and Carrie Caposello. Would not be possible at all without them!

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