DFW Canines for Veterans

501(c)3 Non Profit Organization
Providing service dogs for combat veterans
free of charge!
"Training the BEST that's experienced the worst"

Donate and save two lives!
Service dogs for veterans, service dogs, PTSD service dogs, combat veterans, VA, Veteran affairs, free service dogs, service dogs, veteran service dogs, PTSD service dogs, Service dogs for veterans, shelter dogs, combat veterans, disabled veterans, veterans with PTSD, service dogs for TBI traumatic brain injury, shelter dogs, petfinder, petco, hollywood feed, service dogs, veteran service dogs, PTSD service dogs, Service dogs for veterans, shelter dogs, combat veterans, disabled veterans, veterans with PTSD, service dogs for TBI traumatic brain injury, shelter dogs, petfinder, petco, hollywood feed, service dogs, veteran service dogs, PTSD service dogs, Service dogs for veterans, shelter dogs, combat veterans, disabled veterans, veterans with PTSD, service dogs for TBI traumatic brain injury, shelter dogs, petfinder, petco, hollywood feed,
Help a veteran get back their freedom!
Most PTSD sufferers repeatedly relive the trauma in their thoughts during the day and in nightmares when they sleep. These are called flashbacks. Flashbacks may consist of images, sounds, smells, or feelings. They are often triggered by ordinary occurrences, such as a door slamming, a car backfiring, or being in a place that looks like where the trauma took place. Sometimes there is no trigger, or warning.
1 Veteran every 65 minutes commits suicide!
22 veterans a day lose their battle at home. Since 1999 - Present * 6,827 Combat related deaths 116,765 Military Suicides * There are 49,933 homeless veterans and 50% are disabled.

Mike "sparrow Down & Flynn
A person having a flashback is likely to feel the emotions and physical feelings that occurred when the incident
happened despite no longer being in danger. This leaves our veterans feeling vulnerable and unsure.
PTSD and the Military:
Today, hundreds of thousands of service men and women and recent military veterans have seen combat.
Many have been shot at, seen their buddies killed, or witnessed death up close.
These are types of events that can lead to PTSD.
ANY amount of donation MAKES A DIFFERENCE!

100% of your donation goes towards
a veteran's service dog, gear and training.
We are a volunteer based program.
NO donation amount is too small!
It costs us on average $20,000 PER DOG to train for each veteran.
We are able to do this at no charge for our veterans due to sponsors like you!